Why understanding the objectives in chess is so important

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A goal is the end-result of what we want to achieve.

In chess, the goal is, of course, to checkmate the opponent’s king. But objectives are smaller, more manageable actions that work together to help you reach that goal.

Going into battle without a carefully planned strategy is a recipe for disaster. If you want to overpower a strong enemy you must know how you will approach the battle. This means you must know what your objectives are and understand how they will help you achieve your goal.

Understanding your objectives helps you find moves that serve a powerful purpose.
Understanding your objectives helps you find moves that serve a powerful purpose.

Whenever you reach a moment where you feel that you don’t know what to do next – that is a clear indication that you should’ve been thinking about your objectives.

Every move you make must be guided by your objectives. Moves that are based on vague idea isn’t good enough – you should be clear on what you are trying to achieve. If you don’t keep your objectives in mind you will waste a lot of time thinking about moves that don’t serve a clear purpose.

This free chess course will help you to not only know what the main objectives are, but to develop a deep understanding of them. You will become a much stronger player when you consistently make purposeful moves.

Next Lesson – Introduction to the 5 main objectives of a chess game

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