I offer 3 free (highly effective) chess courses on this website. You will find a quick summary of each chess course below:
- Free Chess Course for Beginners
- Free Chess Course for Intermediate Players
- 10-Day Chess Challenge (Course on Thinking Methods)
Free Chess Course for Beginners
This course consist of 10 lessons that covers all the moves, rules and fundamental ideas of chess. Although the title implies it’s meant for beginners, intermediate players may find lessons 5-10 useful too–because it goes beyond the basics. Particularly, in the later lessons you will learn what to do in the 3 main stages of the game, the opening, middle-game and endgame.
Free Chess Course for Intermediate Players
This free chess course for intermediate level chess players has a strong focus on the objectives you must try to achieve in a game of chess. An in-depth study of these lessons will provide you with the essential chess theory you need to become a much stronger chess player.
10-Day Chess Challenge (Course on Thinking Methods)
The focus of the 10 Day Chess Challenge is to help you get a deep understanding of the calculation and evaluation thinking methods.
On Day 1 the focus is on the calculation thinking method. Day 2 will focus on the evaluation process. Days 3-10 consist of exercises, both calculation and evaluation, to help you further develop the thinking methods you learned on day 1 and 2.
The 7 Skills Training Model