1… Qxc3+ 2. Kxc3 Bb4+ followed by Rxf7 wins a knight in the process.
1… Qxc3+ 2. Kxc3 Bb4+ 3.Rxb4 axb4+ 4.Kxb4 Rxf7
1… Qxc3+ 2. Kxc3 Bb4+ followed by Rxf7 wins a knight in the process.
1… Qxc3+ 2. Kxc3 Bb4+ 3.Rxb4 axb4+ 4.Kxb4 Rxf7
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After Bb4+, Rxb4, so after Rxf7, the rook on b4 escapes being taken by a5. All we did was give up a bishop for a knight.
Ok, but black has the intermediate move axb4+ (the white king will be on c3, white must get out of check first).
Bb4+, Rxb4, axb4+, Rxf7
Yes, I see now the a5 pawn takes the rook on b4 and checks the king. Thank you. That was missing in the solution notation.
Yes, it was missed in the solution. I updated it, thanks for pointing it out.