Cozio’s Mate was originally a study published by Carlos Cozio, an Italian chess player from the 18th century. It is also known as the Dovetail Mate since the arrangement of the pieces visually resemble a dove’s tail.
Cozio’s Mate Example 1
Diagram above: 1.Qf3# demonstrates Cozio’s Mate. There are only two squares surrounding the black king that aren’t covered by white’s queen. These two squares are occupied by black’s own queen and pawn though.
Note how the arrangement of the pieces resemble the visual appearance of a dove’s tail–which is why it’s also known as the Dovetail Mate.
Cozio’s Mate Example 2
Diagram above: At a first glance, white seems to be in trouble. Fortunately for white, they can force Cozio’s Mate on the black king. 1.Qh7+ Kg4 (forced move).
Diagram above: 2.Qh3# concludes the checkmate.
Cozio’s Mate is a fairly common checkmate pattern and if you play chess often, there is a good chance you will see this pattern again in the future.