6 elements of a good move in chess

As a chess payer you should always strive to find the best moves. But how can you distinguish between a good move and a mediocre one? To answer this question, here’s a list of 6 things that characterize good moves. 1. The move is not a mistake Ok this sounds obvious but lets think about … Read more

The relative values of the chess pieces

The pieces have point-values which reflect their degree of mobility. However, the position on the board can affect the mobility and roles of the pieces – therefore the points are only an estimation of their value in average situations. Chess Pieces Value Chart The piece value chart below show the value of the most powerful … Read more

Try The 10-Day Chess Challenge!

Let’s see how much your chess can improve in 10 Days! The challenge will focus on the two most important thinking methods in chess: 1) How to calculate tactics and2) How to evaluate a position. Here are the links you will need: Chess Challenge: Day 1 Chess Challenge: Day 2 Chess Challenge: Day 3 Chess Challenge: Day 4 … Read more