Day 5

My opponents make good moves too. Sometimes I don’t take these things into consideration. – Bobby Fischer

Calculation Exercises: Day 5

VISUALWIZE – Train your brain to see 8 moves ahead!

Visualization is the most important skill in chess! VISUALWIZE is a revolutionary exercise that is specifically designed to improve your chess vision (visualization).

Each set of Visualwize lets you:

  • Visualize more than 800 moves in 160 chess positions
  • Train your brain to visualize up to 8 moves ahead
  • See moves in your mind before making them on the board
  • Improve step-by-step through 4 levels of difficulty
  • Avoid making blunders which makes you lose the game instantly


Evaluation Exercises: Day 5

If you enjoy the 10-Day Chess Challenge, please tell your chess friends about it.

End of Day 5 | Go to Day 6