Day 2 How To Evaluate A Chess Position

On Day 2 of the 10-Day Chess Challenge we will turn our attention to the other important thinking method – how to evaluate a position.

Thinking Method 2: How To Evaluate A Position

This video gives you an important overview of the 2nd thinking method – how to evaluate a position:

Summary of the 5-step Evaluation process:

  1. Compare Material
  2. Compare King-Safety
  3. Compare Piece-Development
  4. Compare Centre-Control
  5. Compare Pawn-Structures

Practice the evaluation method in the exercises below:

Exercises: How To Evaluate A Position

The video below contains a few exercises to help you practice the 5-step evaluation thinking method:

Summary of the thinking methods:

2 most important thinking methods in chess


On the first 2 days of the 10-Day challenge I introduced you to the 2 most important thinking processes in chess:

  1. How to calculate tactics &
  2. How to Evaluate a position

As from tomorrow we will shift our focus to more exercises that will put you on the road to master these 2 thinking methods. There are two important benefits you get from focusing your training on these 2 thinking methods:

  1. They will help you find good solid moves in your games and
  2. they will help you understand the game on a deeper level!

End of Day 2 | Go to Day 3

The 7 Skills Chess Training Model