The Secrets To Improving Your Chess

Chess training secretsChess is fun.

But winning is more fun than losing!

The problem is that beating your opponent isn’t so easy.

As legendary Bobby Fischer once said: “My opponents make good moves too, sometimes I forget this.”

Allow me to share with you some secrets on how you can improve your chess and win more! Anyone can become a good chess player.

2 things you must do to improve your chess

With all I offer on this site, you now have the opportunity to improve your chess and let your chess potential shine (and achieve it much sooner than you might have expected). So how can you improve your chess?

It isn’t rocket science, but there are some things that aren’t obvious. It’s actually very simple. Everyone intuitively know this. You must just find the discipline to do it.

  1. Play slow games often (and analyze them afterwards with the help of a stronger player),
  2. Develop the right skills by training with high quality exercises

With regard to playing often – you need to play mostly slow games. Not blitz (if you are serious about making progress).

If you are like most people, chances are that you often end up doing random tactical exercises without being clear on what you are trying to achieve. This doesn’t help you much and you won’t see much progress in your results. I have been there too. I’ve experienced how frustrating it can be if you were looking for something to help you improve your chess but you just ended up paying for something that you never really used. Or it simply wasn’t as helpful as you thought it would be.

How I discovered the training secrets to improve your chess

I bought chess books, DVD’s, CD’s, software, programs, all the latest chess engines, Rybka, Houdini – I have them all. I enrolled in on-line chess courses and purchased everything that seemed to be good – I even completed them faithfully as the instructions said. And some of the materials weren’t bad.

However… I was often disappointed by either the low quality of the material or by the fact that the software was pretty hard to use. After many disappointments I started to create training material for myself and for the students whom I coach. I made sure that I solved the problems that I saw with almost all other available materials.

One of the most amazing things I’ve discovered is that the internet is saturated with chess advice(some good, some not so good, some terrible), but there is a desperate lack of high quality and user-friendly training exercises available.

How can it help you if you know what to do but don’t have the exercises to do it with? Pretty useless yes. I advise you to take advantage from all the years and efforts that I have already put into this dilemma. I’ve made some really helpful discoveries. One of them is:

In chess it doesn’t really matter how much you know!

Sounds weird? Read on and you will understand my point. Sure, you need to understand the principles of chess but too much knowledge, special “rules of thumb” and thinking algorithms will only confuse you. In the middle of a game when the heat is on you will probably forget most of what you have read in any case.

What you really need is skills. A skill is something you can do almost without thinking.

To explain, I will use an example that many of us can relate to. Do you remember the first timeyou tried to ride a bicycle? Probably you had to concentrate hard not to fall. Riding a bicycle wasn’t a skill until you mastered it. Years later you can still ride a bicycle without even thinking how to do it.

Knowledge can be forgotten, but skills are permanent.

Focus on training skills, not knowledge! It’s all about what you train and how you train To train a skill you need to practice and practice. But if you practice wrong, you will only get good at doing it wrong! I am here to show you what to do, how to do it and provide you with the exercises youneed to do it.

I am sharing with you my insights that I discovered in my journey seeking and creating effective training exercises. If you want free updates and tips to your email, sign-up on the form in the sidebar on this page.