Tactical Patterns | X-Ray

In chess, an X-Ray is a tactical idea where two of your pieces are indirectly connected through an opponent’s piece. This and other essential tactical ideas are explained thoroughly in my chess tactics video course.

X-Ray Tactics | Example #1

Black to move. How can black use the X-ray pattern to their advantage?


1… Qe1+ 2. Rxe1 Rxe1#

X-Ray Tactics | Example #2

Black to move. The knight on a1 appears to be trapped. Is there a way to save it?


1… Nb3 and black’s queen defends the knight through X-Ray.

X-Ray Tactics | Example #3

White to move. How can white use the X-Ray idea to create a tactical combination?


1. Qxd5 Rxd5 2. Ne7+ Rxe7 3. Rxe7 After trading the queens, white’s knight can go to e7 and be indirectly defended by the white rook on e1.