Tactical Patterns | Attraction

Attraction is a tactical idea that involves luring an enemy piece to a new position where it can be exploited. This concept, along with other important tactical ideas, is covered in detail in my chess tactics video course:

Attraction Tactics Example #1

Attraction Tactics Example #1

Black to move.


1… Rxf4+ 2. Kxf4 Bh6+ 3. Ke5 Bxc1

Attraction Tactics Example #2

Attraction Tactics Example #2

Black to move.


1… Bg5 2. Qxg5 Nh3+ 3. Kg2 Nxg5

Attraction Tactics Example #3

Attraction Tactics Example #3

Black to move.


1… Rc1+ 2. Bf1 Rxf1+ 3. Kxf1 Rc1+ 4. Rd1 Rxd1#