Although a fork and a double attack are often used interchangeably in chess, it’s technically not the same thing.
What is a Double Attack?
A double attack is when you create multiple threats with one move. In contrast with a fork (which is one piece making multiple threats), a double attack can be as a result of threats made by more than one piece at the same time.)
If after 1.Ng5, black plays 1… g6, then 2.Nxf7+ forks the black king and queen. This is the essence of a double attack–one move, multiple threats.
5 Examples of Double Attacks
The examples below will help you get a better understanding of double attacks.
Double Attacks | Example #1
The first example demonstrates the simplest form of double attack, known as a fork:
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Since one piece (the black queen) makes multiple threats, this case of double attack is also known as a fork.
Double Attacks | Example #2
In the second example, a double attack comes about as the consequence of a discovered attack. White is already down 2 pawns in material and black is threatening to capture the knight on d3:
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The example illustrates how a double attack can come about as the consequence of a discovered attack. (In other words, a discovered attack is a type of double attack).
Double Attacks | Example #3
In the position below white just played 1.f3, threatening to capture your knight on e4. How can you turn the tables on white?
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If white now plays 2.Qxc3, then 2… Qxb1 wins material since white’s queen will not protect the b1-rook anymore.
Double Attacks | Example #4
White just played 1.Qb4, but it’s a mistake. (They should’ve played 1.Qf3). How can you use a double attack to take advantage of white’s undefended queen?
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This example also serves as a reminder why you should be very careful when you place your pieces on undefended squares. If white’s queen was defended (say the a2-pawn was on a3) then white could simply play h3 (and Nf2+ would not be a serious threat).
Double Attacks | Example #5
In the last example of a double attack, black finds a move that makes a threat and at the same time coordinates with another piece to create a second threat. See if you can find it.
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White’s priority should be to prevent the checkmate, but it comes at the cost of material (a rook for a knight). 1… Qg4 2.g3 Ne2+ followed by Nxc1 OR 1… Qg4 2.Qf3 Qxf3 followed by Ne2+ OR 1… Qg4 2.Qe4 Ne2+ is a discovered attack against white’s queen.
The Difference Between a Double Attack and a Fork
To be clear, a fork involves multiple threats made by one piece, whereas a double attack could include threats made by two pieces, as it is in the case of a discovered attack.
I hope you enjoyed the examples of Double Attacks and that you will soon get the chance to surprise your opponent with it!