10 Easy Chess Puzzles for Beginners

Here’s 10 easy chess puzzles for beginners to help you practice the patterns you learnt in the chess tactics for beginners.

Note: Be sure to study the solutions too!

Beginner Chess Puzzle #1

chess puzzles for beginners - double attack
White just moved their bishop to b4. How can you take advantage of this mistake?

The Solution

chess puzzles for beginners - double attack solution
1… Qd4+ is a double attack (fork) against white’s king and bishop. White must get their king out of check. On the next move black will capture the undefended bishop on b4.

Beginner Chess Puzzle #2

beginner puzzle skewer
What is the best move for white?

The Solution

beginner puzzle skewer solution
1.Qh8+ is a skewer tactic that forces the black king to move. On the next move white will capture the rook on a8.

Beginner Chess Puzzle #3

easy pin tactics puzzle
Is there a tactic black can use in this position?

The Solution

easy pin tactics puzzle solution
1… Qxg3! wins the white queen since white’s pawn on f2 is absolutely pinned by the black bishop on b6.

Beginner Chess Puzzle #4

beginner puzzles remove defender 1
Black to move. Can you see a tactic?

The Solution

1… Bxc3+ The knight on c3 defended white’s queen! Once white gets their king out of check, black will capture the white queen, Qxd5.

Beginner Chess Puzzle #5

beginner tactics discovered attack 1
Black to move. There’s a tactic in the position. Can you find it?

The Solution

beginner tactics discovered attack 1 solution
1… Bxa2 is a discovered attack on white’s queen. White must get their king out of check then black will play Rxe3 on the next move.

Beginner Chess Puzzle #6

beginner puzzles remove defender 2
This one is quite tricky. Can you find the best move for white?

The Solution

beginner puzzles remove defender 2 solution
1.Qxe5! The point is that black’s bishop defended the f6-square. Now that the bishop is gone, white is threatening Nf6+, forking black’s king and queen. White wins a bishop in the process.

Beginner Chess Puzzle #7

easy chess tactics fork example
What is the best move for white?

The Solution

easy chess tactics fork solution
White plays Qd4! This is a double attack (fork) because white is threatening 1) Qxg7# and also 2) Qxb6.

Beginner Chess Puzzle #8

easy pin tactics puzzle 2
Black’s rook on c3 is pinned to the queen on f6. Is there a way for white to take advantage of this pin?

The Solution

easy pin tactics puzzle solution
1.Rc1! White will capture the black rook on the next move or, if the rook moves, white will capture the black queen on f6.

Beginner Chess Puzzle #9

easy puzzle skewer 2
White to move. What would you do?

The Solution

easy puzzle skewer 2 solution
1.Qd2! is a beautiful move that uses the idea of a discovered attack to reveal a skewer on black’s queen. If the queen moves away, white will play Rxc8+ on the next move.

Beginner Chess Puzzle #10

beginner tactics discovered attack 2
Black is threatening Qxh2# How can you turn the tables on black?

The Solution

beginner tactics discovered attack 2 solution
1.Bxf7+ is a discovered attack. White will play Qxh4 on the next move, capturing black’s queen.

It’s a good idea to repeat these important exercises a few times in the coming weeks. It’s scientifically proven that repetition is essential to help you remember what you’ve learnt.

I hope you enjoyed these chess puzzles for beginners and that you will soon get the opportunity to use it in your own games! When you feel ready for it, you can move on to the chess puzzles for intermediate players.