The two chess puzzles below are quite simple–but they can be surprisingly hard to solve if you are not familiar with the pattern. Give it a try!
Easy Tactic #1

Diagram above: Black to move. What would you do? Keep in mind that white’s bishop on c3 is threatening to capture your queen!
Scroll down to see the solution.
The Solution
Tactical Pattern: X-Ray

Diagram above: 1… Qb2+ 2.Bxb2 Bxb2#
Black uses a tactical pattern known as X-Ray. The point is that black’s bishop on g7 indirectly supports the b2-square through X-Ray.
The X-Ray tactic can surprise your opponent because it’s easily overlooked that your pieces can defend one another even though an enemy piece obstructs their line-of-sight.
Note: If you enjoyed these tactics, you will also enjoy my collection of 100 STUDY TACTICS.
Easy Tactic #2

Diagram above: White to move. You could play 1.Nxd6, but there is something much better. Can you find it?
Scroll down to see the solution.
The Solution
Tactical Pattern: Overloading a Defender

Diagram above: 1.Rxb5 Qxb5 2.Qa8+ Kg7 3.Qxb7 wins the black bishop in the process.
Black’s queen is overloaded because she can’t defend the bishop on b5 and the a8-square at the same time.
The point here is that if black’s queen takes your rook, then white can play Qa8+, followed by Qxb7, and capture the undefended rook on b7. This tactical idea is known as overloading a defender.
If you enjoyed these tactics, you will also enjoy my collection of 100 STUDY TACTICS.